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About the facility

IXOM Port Kembla is located on Foreshore Rd opposite the entrance to Port Kembla's Outer Harbour. 

The site's operations include:

  • Provision of sulphuric acid manufacturing, recycling and supply services to the Australian oil refining industry via a purpose-designed spent acid regeneration plant.
  • Import/export and bulk supply of concentrated sulphuric acid to industrial and power generation customers both locally and overseas.
  • Supply of specific grades of sulphuric acid and sulphur-based chemicals for the water treatment industry.

IXOM Port Kembla - Manufacturing

IXOM Port Kembla - Traded Acid


Contact IXOM Port Kembla

If you would like further information on IXOM Port Kembla, please contact us at:

General Site Enquiries

Tel +61 2 4255 2700
Fax +61 2 4255 2708 

Community Enquiries & Complaints

Tel +61 2 4255 2715 or 0401 715 019 (24 hours)

Street Address
Gate 1, Foreshore Rd
Port Kembla NSW 2505

Postal Address
Private Bag 1004
Port Kembla NSW 2505

Monitoring Data

Note: The EPA Licence annual reporting period for this site runs from 1 October to 30 September each year. The data for the current reporting period included on this site is updated at two-weekly intervals per NSW EPA requirements.

Port Kembla Environmental Monitoring Data 2024-25

Details of Licence Conditions

EPA Licence No 549
Link to full licence on the EPA website     View full licence
 Licencee Name Chemicals Australia Operations Pty Ltd
Licencee Address Gate 1, Foreshore Road, Port Kembla, NSW 2505

Licensed Discharge Points (LDP)

IXOM Port Kembla has three licensed discharge points on its EPA license. Two are for discharges to air (LDP1 and LDP2) and one is for discharge to waters (LDP4). 

IXOM Port Kembla LDP

LDP1: SARP Stack

The SARP stack is the tallest concrete stack at IXOM Port Kembla and is referred to as Licensed Discharge Point 1 (LDP1) on the site's EPA license. This discharge point is no longer used. 

LDP2: SMBS Plant Stack

The SMBS plant stack is the smaller fibreglass white stack to the south west of the SARP stack. This stack is designated as Licensed Discharge Point 2 (LDP2) on the site's EPA license. The stack is continuously monitored for SO2 concentration only and the license specifies a maximum SO2 concentration that can be discharged through it. 

LDP4: Liquid discharge point to council drain adjacent to Tank 7

This licensed discharge point is the only discharge point for treated wastewater from the site and is the final step in a comprehensive wastewater treatment system that the site operates. The discharge point consists of a final batch tank including pH monitoring, control system, agitator to ensure thorough mixing, pH control system and discharge monitoring equipment. All treated wastewater entering the system is checked for pH prior to discharge and all liquid discharged is continuously monitored and trended for pH, total suspended solids and flow. The license conditions for this point include a required pH range (6.5 to 8.5), maximum average TSS limits during discharge for wet and dry weather and total volume discharged per day. 

IXOM Port Kembla - Environment & Safety Protection Systems

Weather Monitoring

IXOM Port Kembla is required by license to monitor rainfall per 24 hour period in order to determine ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ weather conditions as part of the TSS discharge license. To meet this requirement the site has installed an automatic weather station (AWS) to allow continuous monitoring, recording and trending of weather conditions 24hrs per day, 7 days per week. The instrument installed not only allows recording of 24hr rainfall as required by the EPA license but in addition records other weather measurements including wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall intensity, barometric pressure and other information. 

Pollution Notification

Comprehensive emergency response plans (ERP) have been developed for IXOM Port Kembla to limit the consequences and assist in managing an emergency situation which may develop at the site and have the potential to impact either onsite or offsite personnel, property or environment.

The likelihood of a pollution incident that could affect the community from the activities of the site is very unlikely so the risk is low.

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

IXOM Port Kembla - Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

IXOM Port Kembla - Pollution Incident Response Management Plan - Appendices

In accordance with Part 5.7A of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, IXOM Port Kembla has prepared a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP). The PIRMP outlines the processes to prevent and minimise the risk of pollution incidents and ensure comprehensive and timely information is provided to relevant authorities and stakeholders.

 In the event of a pollution incident, IXOM Port Kembla will implement the PIRMP for notifying relevant authorities and other stakeholders. The information below is from parts of the PIRMP.

Government Agency - Immediate Contact List 

The protocol for industry notification of pollution incidents specifies that the employer or any person carrying on activities in which a pollution incident occurs to immediately notify each of the following relevant authorities in the order specified when material harm to the environment is caused or threatened:

000 - If the incident presents an immediate threat to human health or property. Fire Rescue NSW, the police and NSW Ambulance Service are the first responders responsible for controlling and containing incidents. In an emergency this may have already been completed by the emergency commander

If the incident does not require an initial combat agency (or once 000 has been called) notify the relevant authorities in the following order:

  1. EPA Environment Line - 131 555
  2. Ministry of health - Office Hours 4221 6000  Outside office hours (Request Environmental Officer) 4221 6804 
  3. The Workcover Authority 131 050
  4. Local Council (Wollongong City Council) 4227 7111 
  5. Fire and Rescue 1300 729 579

What Could Affect the Community?

IXOM Port Kembla - What could affect the Community